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Martin Jonas: Kartoffelernte

Bilder Martin Jonas
  • 8185 Winkel,Schweiz
  • Preis 15400
  • Menge 1
  • Ablaufdatum 2025-12-31
  • +41 76 506 07 05

Titel: Kartoffelernte
Künstler: Martin Jonas
Datiert: 1984
Grösse mit Rahmen: Höhe=65cm Breite=85cm

Geboren 1924 in Kovacica
Weitere Informationen im Buch (Seite 152): Peintres Naifs von Ebojsa Tomasevic
MARTIN JONAS was born on May 9th, 1924 in a Slovak family of peasants and craftsmen at Kovacica in Yougoslavia. He passed four classes of the elementary school and frequented a half-year agricultural course. He started to paint in 1944 and later he made a significant contribution to the formation of the renowned group of Kovacica Naive Painters. His paintings were exhibited in three hundred individual and collective exhibitions in almost 50 countries of five continents. Several times his pictures were exhibited in Slovakia. His paintings belong to many Yugoslav and foreign galleries and private collectors. At international exhibitions of naive art Martin Jonas has been awarded many significant prizes, rewards and medals. He is married, father of a son. He lives and works at Kovacica..